
Showing posts from January, 2021

First Bouncing Ball exercise.

  First Animation since I started this blog.  Bouncing ball assignment. The environment is a park with a monument in the center, the subject is just a simple sentient ball that swiftly comes in and out. Link is with the post.

Day 1 Self Intro.

Hello everyone reading.     My name is Anthony, I have very little experience making animation, but a lot on watching content and appreciating the works that goes into it. I wanted to do Illustration, but as of late I have been thinking about expending the potential skillsets. I am hoping to learn all the strong foundation needed to create my own short clips and experiment with a multitude of content. I also wish to overcome my inability to be visually consistent. I really love mangas, and sometime the animation adaptation can lack a little bit, but my favorite works, both eastern and western, will have to be Spider-verse, Gantz-0, Silent Voice, Megalo Box and Akira.     I want to eventually create a few projects that I have been thinking about since high school, and I'll work hard for them to see the light of day, at least for my own satisfaction. I have been very idle on social platform and I plan to change that this very year.